Wednesday 29 October 2008

Politics - Family - Church

Just less than a week to go to the USA Election, Polls still show Barack Obama in the lead, but this should never lead to complacency, it is getting the Vote out until those polls close on November 4th that counts.

Today I was saddened in some ways to read a BLOG from a Special Friend in the USA, which seemed to follow a Church line and the defence of the family to support the so called conservative candidate.

The same Blog went onto to attack Europe and the UK for it National Health Service, as social handouts. It was said on a visit to the UK while she was pregnant she was advised when not feeling well to not go to a NHS Hospital and if she did do not drink the water. Yes we have had problems in the UK but I would rather any day to have a Health Service Free at the Point of Need! rather than the US system of "it's okay for me jack" I can afford it! - I had state of the art new heart surgery on the NHS and I can not say one bad word, I did not need to produce an health insurance card and it say what the insurer would and would not pay!

The USA Election 2008 has become nasty and dirty and one that the world looks on at and does not like! - far right extremists want to fear monger and make personal attacks rather than Policy! and the Candidate himself is as much to blame.

The true legacy of the last eight years is Iraq, how we were told about these weapons of mass destruction, look at the serious loss of young lives of both our young in the military, also those who have been so severely crippled and emotionally damaged and McCain says he will stay there for 30 more years? is that what we want for our young people?

People question the stance on abortion and gays and they are very emotive subjects, but often they are ignorant of all the facts and just agree with what they are told. I have a very strong Christian Faith and I was brought up in a truly loving Family, but my parents let me go and allowed me to make my decisions! - yes I made some mistakes, but I was willing to admit it. I do feel strong though that is not out place to Judge others, it is us at the end who will be Judged! and only by ONE! - having a Church membership card will not bring any guarantees.

Barack Obama is a True loving family man, his decisions will not be just for one section of society, but what is best for the USA and that will affect the world if he is elected. I just hope and Pray in this time of hatred from some that he will be kept Safe.

Friday 17 October 2008


June 6, 1936 - October 17, 2008
Earlier this afternoon I received the email that I have dreaded for so long, as soon as I saw the headline. my heart stopped, the tears rolled and then flowed, LEVI STUBBS JNR the Lead Singer of THE FOUR TOPS had sadly passed away.

The Four Tops was the first single I bought at 12 and then the first live concert I went to on my own at 14. The dynamic voice of LEVI had me in his hands from that moment, never did I imagine that I would get to interview him and The Four Tops many times and come to think of him as a Friend and like a second Father Figure, Levi inspired me and gave me such inspiration.
Levi first suffered from prostrate cancer which he fought and then a stoke, he last performed with The Four Tops in 2000, but he still regularly attended concerts to watch the current line up. A few years back I was invited to go over and visit Levi, it saddens me that that my health stopped me going to see him.

Classic songs like "Ask The Lonely" my all time favourite, "Reach Out" and "Baby I Need Your Loving" have been a part of my life, when I became a radio DJ it was a pleasure to play the music that had brought me so much Joy! - I can never thank you enough LEVI, no one can take away the Memories you have given me, I will miss You so much!

My Prayers and Thoughts are with Levi's Dear Wife Clineice, their five children and all the Family.