Thursday 6 September 2007

Remembering The Past?

September 11th 2001

is a Day The World will

Never Forget!

Ask most people and they will remember what they were doing on September 11th 2001 and what memories it brings back, none of us will forget the tragedy of that day that changed the world for ever? - their may be some good memories for me I met for a first time someone will who has become a friend forever from the USA Ryan A.

But September 11th 1857 is also important for some in history and currently is is causing such a heated debate in the American Press and Media - the day of "The Mountain Meadows Massacre" which story is the subject of a new movie just released in the USA "September Dawn" featuring such screen stars as Jon Voight, Dean Cain and Terence Stamp - critics are often slamming the film and interested parties, many who have not even seen the movie itself? - I'm not sure if it will be released in the UK perhaps we will have to wait for the DVD release. I will though to make my own decision! - too often I never agree with critics are they representative of real people? or are they too close to the movie industry and they feel they are entertainment?

I wonder if some of those same people watched recent World War II Hollywood Movies, that choose to re-write history for it's home market and claim credit for some events that took place with much great personal sacrifice from British Servicemen?

Many call to question some of the facts about the massacre and who was to blame, I have now read three well researched books on the disaster and I have my own opinions.

What I do recommend is checking out the superb Documentary/Drama DVD produced by Brian Patrick titled "Burying The Past" which looks for me very fair handed at the way it looks at the events in 1857 and the debate which still goes on today. I have spoke to Brian a few times and he really impresses me. The DVD may not be available widely in stores but most USA Libraries have copies but it is well worth purchasing, check out the website with much more information:

I would really like now to see reconciliation between all the parties with interest in the land that "The Mountain Meadows Massacre" took place on, which is owned by The Church of Latter Day Saints, many say this should go into national control, but sites are often allowed to go into disrepair many claim if they do not attract large numbers of visitors. For me the land should be jointly controlled by the main interested parties an Association which represents Descendants of The Massacre and The LDS Church. Much progress has been made by The Church in past years at the site, but now the Past or Grievances must be buried for the good of all.

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