Monday 8 October 2007

Books Books Books!

Last week one of my Dear American Best Friends Melissa was talking in her "Blog" about her love for Vintage Books and how much she is enjoying now sharing them and reading them to her cute little one year old son Jackson.

It made me think back how fortunate I was to have such a loving Family - from a very early age like Jackson I was introduced to books and before I started school I could read a little and write my name.
Now that upbrining I feel is reflected in the way my apartment is just being taken over by books, I just love them and still enjoy reading so much.

Looking back I started to think about the first books I read myself and loved around the age of six to eight and they came from the most famous author Enid Blyton (wrote of the Noddy in Toy-town Books) - she wrote a series of books about a group of children and about adventure and fun all taking place outside in the lovly fresh air, just like we also did, be it sunny, cold or raining - Mum used to go to Town shopping each Friday morning and once I had completed reading the latest book or a new one was release she would get it for me, I would rush home from school so excited.
Now it is mostly computer games or watching TV, some parents even encourage children to stay indoors for safety. Well it seems Enid Blyton and The Famous Five have had to change and instead of books to comic format and just look at the illustration from the first comic cover the children have to be oh so PC? - a lot may say that is moving with the times, but is it? I am not sure.
What do you think?

1 comment:

Melly Mel said...

I really enjoyed reading this post! What a "shout out" to Jackson and me! Thank you! I think more parents should read to their children. Jackson loves it almost as much as I do and I hope that doesn't change. Computer and video games are polluting our children's minds and not allowing them to use their creativeness like you mentioned, so it's so vital to keep this habit no matter how tired we may be. I think children will always remember those special books. Thanks for sharing your close and personal stories with us. You are amazing. Your mom sounds so cute!